Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Drink Coffee With a Glimpse at its Benefits


The most important drink of South India has been coffee at all times. It is not that people do not drink tea but it is that people prefer coffee over tea. It is the most consumed in the rural mass of the country. It is a habit that people rely on coffee from morning till night and it is taken at least 2 to 3 times a day and is tasty too in a way. 

Coffee is slightly acidic in nature and also contains caffeine in it. It has a stimulating effect on humans. Coffee has become a very important product under the beverage category and is the most loved by many people. There people who are addicted to coffee too. The preparation of coffee powder is not an easy job and is quite tedious job and this is why we just buy it easily from online supermarkets instead of preparing coffee powder. 

Normally we get two types of coffee powder which is the instant coffee powder or the grounded coffee powder. We have many famous coffee vendors like Nescafe, Bru etc. There are coffee shops too like Coffee Day (Click to read the history of CoffeeDay), Barista etc., which is world famous. People are of the opinion that coffee is addictive rather it is a slow drug like drink. But it is not so. There is many types of tea like Darjeeling tea, green tea, iced tea, leaf tea and still coffee is always famous for its own characteristic taste. We have to know its benefits too as we drink tea.

I propose a different type style for reading this blog. I request the readers to make a cup of coffee and then with every sip, start reading the benefits. Yes, let us start now…

The benefits of having coffee are:

§     The caffeine present in the coffee is a fat burning agent and it helps to reduce fat.
§     Caffeine is also known to increase the body metabolic rate by about 10%.
§     Coffee has the essential nutrients in it like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium and niacin.

§     Caffeine helps in reducing the tiredness level of our body.
§    Caffeine helps in blocking the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and thereby gives the stimulant effect in the body.
§    Caffeine is very helpful in stimulating the nervous system.
§    Coffee increases the adrenaline levels of the body.

§    The physical performance in increased immediately by the consumption of coffee.
§    Study reveals that the coffee consumers are less likely to get the type 2 diabetes.
§    It also reveals that the coffee drinkers are very rarely prone to dementia diseases like Alzheimer’s.
§    Cirrhosis development is avoided by the regular consumption of coffee.
§    By drinking coffee daily, we can reduce the risk of getting Parkinson’s disease by 60%.
§    Coffee consumers can be happy about the fact that, drinking coffee will reduce the risk of colorectal and liver cancer.

§    Coffee lowers depression rate and indirectly is helpful in the reduction of suicide cases.
§    Coffee slightly increase blood pressure but this reduces over time.
§    It helps in the reduction of the risk of heart attack and stroke as well.
§    Coffee consumption has also the advantage of reducing the risk of premature death and thereby increasing the lifespan.

§    It also has an effect on the reduction of the risk of prostate cancer.
§    It wards off skin cancer too.
§    It is said to have helped even in the strengthening of muscles.

One full cup of coffee would have been finished by the time you finished these. Yes, you can be satisfied by coffee as it has so many benefits to the mankind. And guess what, by the time I wrote these benefits, I have emptied 2 glasses full of coffee.
Well, now it is really suggestible to drink coffee happily and order the coffee powder in online supermarkets and make the advantageous story out of it.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Know More about Horlicks - Health Benefits

The first ever work that a new born baby learns is to drink. Starting from milk fed by mother, it is continued continuously almost for the whole life. When it comes to kids, milk plays a major role of development in their life. But the problem which almost every mother faces is that the kid doesn’t like to have milk as it is. This great problem has been totally ward off by companies which adds flavour to the milk we drink and also gives it a taste worth enjoying.


Basically, these are a part of the health and the nutritional supplement for kids. The energy and the health drinks category has many products namely Horlicks, pediasure etc. Today let us concentrate about the benefits of Horlicks. Let us know the reason as to why we choose or why we have to choose Horlicks from online supermarkets or grocery stores.

To be fair in making people enlightened, I would like to introduce the founders and introducers of Horlicks which is a world-wide hit for many years, the founders are William Horlick and James. The manufacturer for Horlicks has been the famous GlaxoSmithKline. The first introduction of Horlicks in India is said to be during Second World War and the credit of it has been given to the British army.
With these background and briefing, let us now get to the heart content of this blog. It is the benefits obtained by children by Horlicks.

Benefits of Horlicks:

·         The calcium content in Horlicks helps to protect bones and teeth.

·         The iron present in it is useful in the production of red blood cells.

·         Tiredness and also the problem of anaemia is avoided with the iron present in Horlicks.

·         Pantothenic acid present is very much helpful in the release of energy in food.

·         Body cells have been protected by antioxidant vitamin E.

·         Zinc in Horlicks aids the healing of wound and also helps in keeping skin healthy and charming.

·         Immune system is well taken care of by the presence of vitamin A.

·         Vision related issues too has an impact from vitamin A present in it.

·         The neural health of a child too is looked after by niacin present.

·         Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron content in the body.

·         Vitamin B6 present is very helpful to ward off tiredness and also removes fatigue from the body.

·         Thiamin B1 is known to help in the better and proper working of heart.

·         Vitamin B12 present has also been mentioned vital for red blood cells.

These are the few benefits which has been enumerated by noted nutritionists and also by dieticians. 

The lucky part is that we need not just keep on using the same flavour and bore ourselves. There is a solution for this problem too. There are different variety of flavours like horlicks vanilla, horlicks choco etc. May of the varieties may not be available in the normal stores but it will be present usually in online supermarkets and hence can be checked out there.
So, it can be concluded that Horlicks is just not a flavour drink but an energy drink too!!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Health Benefits Of Organic Foods

Modernisation has taken a toll over the ancient ways and ancient system. Yes, you are right! I am referring to the modernisation of this era or rather the modernised era in which we are living now. Organic food is the rising topic of talk in this era. Basically what is organic food? Organic food is the food which is grown by the technique of organic farming.

 Now, what is organic farming? It is the method of raising crops and plants without the use of synthetic fertilisers or other manures. This totally depends on the authentic and the natural fertilisers and pesticides. So after knowing what organic food is, I am sure people would be curious to know what the use of this trivial technique is or what the benefit out of it is!! Yeah you are on the right track of thinking. Let us try to know about it before accepting to use organic foods.

Health benefits of organic foods:
·         Organic farming or organic cultivation does not utilize the administration of antibiotics and this is actually helpful in enhancing our antibiotic resistance capacity of the body.
·         Organic foods are known to have large amount of antioxidants in them which influence greatly in the maintenance of overall health of the body.

·         The use of organic food also help in keeping up the health of heart in a body.
·         Organic foods are free from pesticides which is a very strong point in choosing organic over inorganic food materials.

·         Genetically modified food may look attractive and worth to the money spent on it, but on a long run it has its own effects on the immune system of the body. This is not a problem in organic food.
·         The non-usage of chemical fertilizers for the growth of organic food is the main key point in the overall growth of the health of a human being as it does not contain any strong chemical which has its negative effects on the human race.

·          It is heard by many people that organic foods are good and better than the non-organic food to taste.
·         In the environmental point of view, it is very ideal to cultivate organic farming as there is no utilisation of chemicals which affects the richness of the land and nutrient content of the land.
So these are the few enumerated benefits. There are lot more benefits which are not enumerated here in this article. 
Organic Store Online

The question arises as to how and where we can get these organic food materials. This is a very genuine question as people are behind attractiveness and cheap products. But still there are many shops where in healthy organic foods only are available. As said at the start of this article, in this modernised era people are used to getting anything and everything online and that has been applied to even buying groceries and vegetables. There are certain online shopping sites where in very good organic food items are available. 
When Buying Seasonal Fruits keep in mind that You Buy Organic fruits, better you rely on Online stores, where they have separate storage for Organic and non organic, In Normal Stores we cant find these, and more over those shopkeepers are not aware of these.
The one I feel better is the use of http://qusec.in/.
After all these information, I suggest rather request you to use the organic food items for the benefit of ourselves as well as the environment.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Black Pepper For Skin And Hair

Black Pepper

Before we had learn about the benefits of black pepper for health and also we had learn about the introduction about it and today again we are back with some more facts and benefits which are got from black pepper on skin and hair. Everyone is conscious about their looks and style and hence this becomes an important article in knowing the benefits. 


Advantages of black pepper on skin and hair:

·         Blackpepper is said to be a good deterrent against skin getting exposed to UV rays and hence prevents skin related problems.

·         It is a good answer for even avoiding skin cancer and related issues.

·         The anti-oxidants present in pepper helps to reduce ageing of skin.

·         The wrinkles that occur on the skin has been successfully reduced by this.

·         Black spots too have an answer if black pepper is used in diet.

·         It also helps to avoid pigmentation in certain areas which is the whitening of the skin due to losing the pigments present in that area.

·         By applying a paste of curd along with crushed black pepper, it acts in the direction of reducing dandruff and hence dandruff is reduced successfully.

·         By mixing lemon seeds and ground pepper. It acts as a revitalising agent on hair.

·         It helps to keep the hair shiny and lustrous.

·         It makes your hair soft and thus makes it look silky too.